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Unlimited Adult Monthly Dues:
Unlimited Adult Monthly Dues + Circuit Training:
Adult Drop In Class / Mat Fee:
Kids Monthly Dues:
Private Lessons w/ Professor Johnson (1-hour):
Trial Class

Introduction & Basic Fundamentals.
Good for students of all levels of fitness.
Gi (Kimono) required.

Best for intermediate or advanced students with at least 6 months of training.
Gi (Kimono) required.

Best for intermediate or advanced students with at least 6 months of training.
Rashguards, grappling shorts, spats recommended.

Kid classes (4-10)
Teen classes (11-15)
Gi required

HIIT training that focuses on grappler performance.
Good for students of all levels.

Suitable for all levels.
Live drilling & competition-focused training.
Gi required.
You don't have to compete to join the class.
Have Brian to visit your school/gym and give a 3-hour BJJ seminar
Good for students of all levels and any style of martial art.
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